Search For icing In Quotes 58

So the first thing that I thought about was 'How is this car going to handle?' But then after I'd been driving with it and practicing with it and I accomplished that then I just kind of sat back.

Today I can announce a raft of reforms that we estimate could save over 2.5 million police hours every year. That's the equivalent of more than 1 200 police officer posts. These reforms are a watershed moment in policing. They show that we really mean business in busting bureaucracy.

If you look over the years the styles have changed - the clothes the hair the production the approach to the songs. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you really look at the cake itself it's really the same.

My nominee for Best Picture of the year - maybe the best picture ever because it's essentially made up of and is an ecstatic love letter to all other movies - is Christian Marclay's endlessly enticing must-see masterpiece 'The Clock.'

It's a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.

We're all entitled to opinions about how art institutions should behave and entitled to voicing those opinions through whatever means available to us. We're also allowed to change or modify our opinions.

I'm noticing a new approach to art making in recent museum and gallery shows. It flickered into focus at the New Museum's 'Younger Than Jesus' last year and ran through the Whitney Biennial and I'm seeing it blossom and bear fruit at 'Greater New York ' MoMA P.S. 1's twice-a-decade extravaganza of emerging local talent.

It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.