Search For hopeful In Quotes 104

Well I think that part of being young is not exactly knowing why you do some of the things that you do. And it's by exploring your life or experimenting or making mistakes and learning from them hopefully that you start to forge an identity.

Hopefully with each thing that you do you're learning something you're growing and you're pushing yourself a little harder in some way or another. So I think you'd be in real trouble if each new thing that you create didn't feel like 'Oh wow. I feel like I'm doing something a little different this time.'

I'm trying to get in the habit of you know picking up a book and learning how to write my feelings down not my feelings but my thoughts about things and hopefully I'll moving toward the writing and directing thing soon.

Knowledge is like money: to be of value it must circulate and in circulating it can increase in quantity and hopefully in value.

I think the end goal hopefully is to take advantage of the attention I've gotten along the way and use it for good and build some communities and as I get older I can continue to do things and be surrounded by things that are inspirational to me.

Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behind it in the world and bettered the tradition of mankind.

I hope everybody's had fun because I've enjoyed my ride. I can tell you that. Now it's time to step aside and let some other young kid come in and win. Hopefully they will too.

We use the word 'hope' perhaps more often than any other word in the vocabulary: 'I hope it's a nice day.' 'Hopefully you're doing well.' 'So how are things going along? Pretty good. Going to be good tomorrow? Hope so.'

The Middle East is hopeful. There's hope there.

I can only speak for myself and hope people hear my words and see me on television speaking for myself. And hopefully they'll be able to make their own judgment. And at the end of the day I just want my work to speak for itself.