Search For heard In Quotes 165

You know the market was down yesterday... my first thought when I heard-just on a personal basis when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning which were really in the tank I thought Time to buy.

That money talks I'll not deny I heard it once: It said 'Goodbye'.

I have long been one of those tedious people who rails against the coronation of 'student-athletes.' I have heard the argument that big-time athletics bring in loads of money to universities. I don't believe the money goes anywhere other than back into the sports teams but that's another story.

As I have traveled throughout my Congressional district the one thing I heard loud and clear was simply please stop spending money you do not have rein in spending live within a budget.

I never heard of an old man forgetting where he had buried his money! Old people remember what interests them: the dates fixed for their lawsuits and the names of their debtors and creditors.

I heard the Beatles and the Stones and Mom bought me an electric guitar. I played lead for four years and then switched to bass. One day someone suggested that I should sing so I sheepishly stepped up to the microphone and the rest is rock history.

I didn't understand that I could sing until I was like 11 or 12. My mom heard me singing around the house and she said What are you doing? You really can sing! So then I started going to school and singing to the girls.

I'd lose my mind if I heard my kid call the nanny Mommy.

I wanted to escape so badly. But of course I knew I couldn't just give up and leave school. It was only when I heard my mom's voice that I came out of my hiding place.

I once heard two ladies going on and on about the pains of childbirth and how men don't seem to know what real pain is. I asked if either of them ever got themselves caught in a zipper.