Search For established In Quotes 55

I've already established my (political)machinery. It's like a car. It's fixed already. You just have to get in and drive it.

Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners.

We are at our very best and we are happiest when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful so worthwhile.

There were two things going on: 1) I had already established in my own mind where I wanted to go with the next series and having James around as a Grey Eminence would have complicated matters. He had had an amazing life and it was time to bid him good-bye.

Older fatherhood isn't all bad: testosterone rates drop about 1% per year as men age making them less reactive and more patient and a professionally established middle-aged man is likely to have more time and money to devote to his kids than a twenty-something who's just getting started.

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No actually 'The Host' was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I wanted to do something a little bit different than romantic love. Romantic love is in there obviously because I enjoy writing about that and living it a lot.