Search For engine In Quotes 104

Engineering undergraduates should not be charged fees. They should receive grants not student loans and the government will get the money back long-term from increased exports.

I stand before you today because this vision of government as the engine of opportunity is what I believe in.

In fact when you combine stem cell technology with the technology known as tissue engineering you can actually grow up entire organs so as you suggest that sometime in the future you get in an auto accident and lose your kidney we'd simply take a few skin cells and grow you up a new kidney. In fact this has already been done.

Another hero was Tom Swift in the books. What he stood for the freedom the scientific knowledge and being and engineer gave him the ability to invent solutions to problems. He's always been a hero to me. I buy old Tom Swift books now and read them to my own children.

The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop those genes are going to flow to the other farm.

As the earth spins through space a view from above the North Pole would encompass most of the wealth of the world - most of its food productive machines doctors engineers and teachers. A view from the opposite pole would encompass most of the world's poor.

And if you look at the reality in the United States where you have more than 40 million people below the poverty line and 42 million on food stamps and then you look at poverty around the world clearly the way we're running the engine of capitalism is not serving us well.

With engineering I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly.

Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you're up in the air and something goes wrong you pull that parachute and the whole plane goes down slowly.

Most of the work performed by a development engineer results in failure.