Search For earning In Quotes 951

I think that's what's great about being an actress is you get to learn so many different things like that like learning a little bit of Tibetan here learning a Southern accent there.

I like doing accents and I like learning as much as I can learn.

I know what I like when I see it but no way have I ever become interested in learning about it.

I'm thinking about learning a few new things - like taking classical guitar lessons - and I'd like to bring what I learn into hard rock.

I didn't miss training because it had become so painful for me. I filled the void pretty quickly as I went straight into coaching and it was great I had to start learning all over again and then when I went into TV I knew nothing about it so I had to start from the very beginning.

I've been doing a lot of learning from mistakes first and foremost and building off that.

From you we have learned what we at least value to separate Church and State and from you we gather inspiration at all times in our devotion to learning to religious liberty and to individual and National freedom.

That's not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

Working with David Gordon Green and Jonah Hill and Michael Cera and Drew Barrymore and all of those people - those are the best people in comedy to work with. Anna Faris. You know that's my goal to keep learning and to just keep working with the best people I can. And yeah we do all hang out and we all kind of know each other.

Film for me has been a process of learning on the job.