Search For distance In Quotes 70

At least for soccer players it comes down to a blend of two types of fitness - your base endurance which comes from longer distance running and your speed which comes from sprint-based workouts.

When I'm acting I'm two beings. There's the one monitoring the distance between myself and the camera making sure I hit my marks and there is the one driven by this inner fire this delicious fear.

I get asked 'How can you have such failures in your films?' Well what else is life about? There's some sense of constant failure in something. Humor gives you a distance from it.

We are creating a unique experience. It's starts with how you see the building from a distance.

When I'm writing I'm trying to immerse myself in the chaos of an emotional experience rather than separate myself from it and look back at it from a distance with clarity and tell it as a story. Because that's how life is lived you know?

Women have talent and intelligence but due to social constraints and prejudices it is still a long distance away from the goal of gender equality.

I've always been hopeful about Scotland's prospects. And I now believe more than ever that Scotland is within touching distance of achieving independence and equality.

It's now possible to play and take lessons from any place of the world. The concept of physical distance doesn't exist in the online world and that is so cool!

When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet.

A lot of journalists like to suck up to celebrities and then as soon as they're a safe distance away at their computers they take shots. But that's the way society has become especially in pop culture.