Search For department In Quotes 78

Health care costs are eating the Defense Department alive.

As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation's agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases.

When the Veterans Affairs Department implemented a program to provide home-based health care to veterans with multiple chronic conditions - many of the system's most expensive patients to treat - they received astounding results.

My father was on the faculty in the Chemistry Department of Harvard University my mother had one year of graduate work in physics before her marriage.

Well again a gun sale database is just trying to get the Department of Justice to keep track of the guns that they're purchasing and supplying to drug dealers and murderers. I mean wow. Come on let's get the government under control before we start restricting the rights of - innocent citizens.

I think in the future we need to look at our youth department to provide more players for the first team think it is important for a club to have a good amount of players that have roots with the club and region.

When I was in college I was in the theater department which for anyone who has been involved in any kind of theater program you know that it's really wacky and tight-knit a real family. Me and my good friends from college would do random shows and plays that were sometimes serious but most of the time really goofy and funny.

We are expected to believe that anyone who objects to the Department of Homeland Security or the USA Patriot Act is a terrorist and that the only way to preserve our freedom is to hand it over to the government for safekeeping.

My desire to curtail undue freedom of speech extends only to such public areas as restaurants airports streets hotel lobbies parks and department stores. Verbal exchanges between consenting adults in private are as of little interest to me as they probably are to them.

If you think of what food is it's the energy we use to do our daily work. I want people to know about the USDA. This is a very important department. It's not fully appreciated as such.