Search For decisions In Quotes 138

Intelligence is playing a more important role in policymaker decisions than I think I've ever seen in my time in Congress or before.

Your personality as the prime minister feeds through to what you emphasise and what you don't how you'll handle a situation - whether you've got the combination of intelligence or instincts to adapt and to make good decisions.

Too many problem-solving sessions become battlegrounds where decisions are made based on power rather than intelligence.

I do as much comedy as I possibly can but I'm basically limited by the imagination of the secretaries who make the decisions.

I'm a vegetarian and very much active in regards to how I feel about animal rights and protecting animals and giving animals a voice. But at the same time I appreciate and respect other people's decisions to eat meat. The only thing that I hope is that people are educated that they're aware that they're living a conscious lifestyle.

I hope that you will learn to take responsibility for your decisions. don't take counsel of your fears.

It's hard for women who make a lot of money and make decisions all day long then they have to come home and be 'Stupid Sally.' Men need respect and they need to know that they can lead in the relationship so even if they don't make the most money they need to be able to call the shots.

When I was younger my coach Liang Chow made all the decisions. I would go to the gym for practice do exactly what Chow told me to do go home come back and start all over again. If Chow told me to do 50 squat jumps I did 50 squat jumps.

Proper school nutrition must be complemented by activities outside of the cafeteria. The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front.

I believe that we must maintain pride in the knowledge that the actions we take based on our own decisions and choices as individuals link directly to the magnificent challenge of transforming human history.

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Woodrow Wilson called for leaders who by boldly interpreting the nation's conscience could lift a people out of their everyday selves. That people can be lifted into their better selves is the secret of transforming leadership.