Search For conversation In Quotes 117

Sometimes a character is really based on research that you do. Other times it's just based on your imagination or perhaps your conversation with the director. Or sometimes all of the above. It depends on the movie and character.

The first ingredient in conversation is truth the next good sense the third good humor and the fourth wit.

In conversation humor is worth more than wit and easiness more than knowledge.

But yeah I'm really happy when I'm writing. When I'm being creative and when I have something that I can put down. You know if you go out and you overhear a conversation or you have a thought you have a receptacle to go home and say 'Oh this would be great in this script.' Your antenna's out in a different way and I love that time.

I usually write away from home in coffee shops on trains on planes in friends' houses. I like places where there's stuff going on that you can lift your eyes see something interesting overhear a conversation.

The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home.

Here in Silicon Valley I have taken part in hundreds of conversations trying to convince people to dive in and become entrepreneurs. All too often innovators with good safe jobs are unwilling to put their family's access to health care at risk by walking away from company-backed medical insurance.

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.

The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.

A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction but pursues you never.