Search For contact In Quotes 63

I can't remember a major league game where I could make eye contact with my dad. I kept wondering if he was going to yell at me for hanging a pitch or something.

I love the rehearsal process in the theatre and the visceral sense of contact and communication with a live audience.

During the past few decades modern technology with radio TV air travel and satellites has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world in to almost instant contact with all the other parts.

Buying a car used to be an experience so soul-scorching so confidence-splattering so existentially rattling that an entire car company was based on the promise that you wouldn't have to come in contact with it.

Competence like truth beauty and contact lenses is in the eye of the beholder.

Some guys say beauty is only skin deep. But when you walk into a party you don't see somebody's brain. The initial contact has to be the sniffing.

When you look at Japanese traditional architecture you have to look at Japanese culture and its relationship with nature. You can actually live in a harmonious close contact with nature - this very unique to Japan.

It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do.

It's amazing people get so detached from what they eat and what they wear. No one has any contact with how things are made that are put in their body and put in their mouths and I just find it alarming that no one questions it.

We want to reinvent the phone. What's the killer app? The killer app is making calls! It's amazing how hard it is to make calls on most phones. We want to let you use contacts like never before - sync your iPhone with your PC or mac.

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To have the opportunity to lead the Solicitor General's office is the honor of a lifetime. As you know this is an office with a long and rich tradition not only of extraordinary legal skill but also of extraordinary professionalism and integrity. That is due in large measure to the people who have led it.