Search For conscious In Quotes 241

If the Holy Spirit can take over the subconscious with our consent and cooperation then we have almighty Power working at the basis of our lives then we can do anything we ought to do go anywhere we ought to go and be anything we ought to be.

Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long even if it is the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one and the great charm of all power is modesty.

There is that indescribable freshness and unconsciousness about an illiterate person that humbles and mocks the power of the noblest expressive genius.

After I became a citizen I felt freer to say what I thought about this country both negative and positive. I think I had been consciously and subconsciously biting my tongue in the past.

Political folk talk a lot these days about 'messaging' - a neologism designed to describe the way in which parties and politicians consciously characterize their efforts. It is only intended to be positive - i.e. 'Our messaging is designed to show we care.'

You shall always find what you created in your mind for instance a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good.

I will not leave a corner of my consciousness covered up but saturate myself with the strange and extraordinary new conditions of this life and it will all refine itself into poetry later on.

Poetry brings all possible experience to the same degree: a degree in the consciousness beyond which the consciousness itself cannot go.

Poetry being the sign of that which all men desire even though the desire be unconscious intensity of life or completeness of experience the universality of its appeal is a matter of course.

Writing poetry makes you intensely conscious of how words sound both aloud and inside the head of the reader. You learn the weight of words and how they sound to the ear.