Search For complain In Quotes 70

With patient and firm determination I am going to press on for jobs. I'm going to press on for equality. I'm going to press on for the sake of our children. I'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I am going to press on.

The complaint of bad pay and difficulty in obtaining it is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.

Modern education has devoted itself to the teaching of impudence and then we complain that we can no longer control our mobs.

The enemy fought with savage fury and met death with all its horrors without shrinking or complaining: not one asked to be spared but fought as long as they could stand or sit.

I came up poor. My mother only had a fourth-grade education. My dad didn't have any education at all. But they were very structured. They worked hard. You know they didn't complain. They didn't murmur. And they believe in the Christ.

It's just cool for a girl to be able to do her own thing. I do a lot of movies and I'm very lucky and I'm not complaining. But in movies alongside big action men we've always got to take a step back and let the men shine.

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers and nobody thinks of complaining.

I don't want to clip on the armour every morning. I've seen some politicians do this and they get a bit mangled and bitter. I just refuse to do that. I refuse to be angry or bitter or complain and I remain open. I may sometimes be a bit too open but I'm not going to change that one bit.

Our generation has an incredible amount of realism yet at the same time it loves to complain and not really change. Because if it does change then it won't have anything to complain about.

Complainers change their complaints but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining.

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I want to be alone and work until the day my heads hits the drawing table and I'm dead. Kaput. I feel very much like I want to be with my brother and sister again. They're nowhere. I know they're nowhere and they don't exist but if nowhere means that's where they are that's where I want to be.