Search For command In Quotes 89

A man has to learn that he cannot command things but that he can command himself that he cannot coerce the wills of others but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.

I think as a rifle platoon and company commander your view is about 1 000 meters in front of you and you hope you can cover that ground and not have to back up and give it up again.

So long as I'm Commander-in-Chief we will sustain the strongest military the world has ever known. When you take off the uniform we will serve you as well as you've served us - because no one who fights for this country should have to fight for a job or a roof over their head or the care that they need when they come home.

Jews read the books of Moses not just as history but as divine command. The question to which they are an answer is not 'What happened?' but rather 'How then shall I live?' And it's only with the exodus that the life of the commands really begins.

What is the thread of western civilization that distinguished its course in history? It has to do with the preoccupation of western man with his outward command and his sense of superiority.

When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way you will command the attention of the world.

One positive command he gave us: You shall love and honor your emperor. In every congregation a prayer must be said for the czar's health or the chief of police would close the synagogue.

One of the great questions of philosophy is do we innately have morality or do we get it from celestial dictation? A study of the Ten Commandments is a very good way of getting into and resolving that issue.

I'm sad to report that in the past few years ever since uncertainty became our insistent 21st century companion leadership has taken a great leap backwards to the familiar territory of command and control.

O that unbelievers would learn of faithful Abraham and believe whatever is revealed from God though they cannot fully comprehend it! Abraham knew God commanded him to offer up his son and therefore believed notwithstanding carnal reasoning might suggest may objections.