Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citizens.
We also have a program in place for low income people. A family of four making $26 000 a year can receive medical coverage irrespective of citizenship or what documents.
What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman but what I also believe is that we have an obligation to make sure that gays and lesbians have the rights of citizenship that afford them visitations to hospitals that allow them to be to transfer property between partners to make certain that they're not discriminated on the job.
I am deeply grateful to the citizens of Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Canton assembly for bestowing upon me this incredible honor of citizenship. I am so proud to now be a part of such an extraordinary part of the world and fellow citizen to the people I deeply love and admire.
These are people who haven't gone through the legal means to becoming citizens like our forefathers did. They want all the benefits but none of the responsibilities.
Class action lawsuits are an important part of our legal system. All citizens should have the right to band together and settle grievances with bigger companies but that system is broken and it needs fixing.
While there continues to be differences the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.
The people and the mindset that killed 3 000 of our fellow citizens on September 11 2001 would have killed not 3 0 but 300 000 if they could have or 3 million or 30 million. We need to do everything we can within our value systems and legal structures to make sure that doesn't happen.
Outside of the Constitution we have no legal authority more than private citizens and within it we have only so much as that instrument gives us. This broad principle limits all our functions and applies to all subjects.
The legal system is often a mystery and we its priests preside over rituals baffling to everyday citizens.