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Peace should provide security. It should be durable. I'm ready to go far in making painful concessions. But there is one thing I will never make any concessions on and that's the security of the Israeli citizens and the very existence of the state of Israel. The Palestinians are losing time.

But while we all pray for peace we do not always as free citizens support the policies that make for peace or reject those which do not. We want our own kind of peace brought about in our own way.

Without free self-respecting and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. Without internal peace that is peace among citizens and between the citizens and the state there can be no guarantee of external peace.

As an artist I come to sing but as a citizen I will always speak for peace and no one can silence me in this.

America's state religion is patriotism a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that 'treason' is morally worse than murder or rape.

If terror groups are to be defeated it is national governments that will have to do so. In nations like India governments will have to call on the patriotism of citizens to fight the terrorists. In a nation like Pakistan the government will have to be persuaded to deal with those in their midst who are complicit.

We'll try to cooperate fully with the IRS because as citizens we feel a strong patriotic duty not to go to jail.

I am not an Athenian or a Greek but a citizen of the world.

I have no country to fight for my country is the earth and I am a citizen of the world.

Citizen Kane is perhaps the one American talking picture that seems as fresh now as the day it opened. It may seem even fresher.