Search For check In Quotes 124

Together we will build an America where hope is a new job with a paycheck not a faded word on an old bumper sticker.

To be honest I find going out pretty scary and intimidating. Got all those people checking you out with only one purpose: hooking up. I'm quite the dork I'd rather sit home and play Scrabble. But that doesn't get you a girl does it?

I think because my life is so insane and it's constantly going at 120 miles per hour my favorite thing to do is sit at home in front of the TV and check out.

If eating out order your meal and ask the server to wrap up half of the portion to take home with your for the next day keeping your portion size in check and stretching your dollar into two meals.

I got a lovely check today from being a writer that I earned by sitting at home. That's rewarding.

I'm the biggest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don't believe it check the cash register.

In my case I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Plan for my wife and myself out of each month's paycheck.

We take our kids for physical vaccinations dental exams eye checkups. When do we think to take our - our son or daughter for a mental health checkup?

I want to encourage everyone to be proactive with their health and get checked out.

Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times and for more prevention through screening and health checks.