Search For bunch In Quotes 65

Although my dad was a doctor we weren't necessarily a super-artsy family. We were just a classic traditional family who got to take a lot of piano lessons and became a bunch of musicians.

I haven't really decided to be an actor yet! I started doing plays when I was about 15 or 16. I only did it because my dad saw a bunch of pretty girls in a restaurant and he asked them where they came from and they said drama group. He said 'Son that is where you need to go.'

My dad was always such a frustrated artist. He always worked very hard to support his family doing a bunch of ridiculous jobs. He wanted to be a painter but then he also wrote science-fiction novels in his spare time.

And getting stunt coordinator Dan Bradley and everybody from the whole 'Bourne Supremacy' crew I think was real cool for our film because we do a bunch of really big jumps in this movie.

Dinosaurs was a cool idea but we just couldn't find a way to make it really fun. We've got a bunch of great game ideas that we want to bring to life over the next several years.

Well it's a little harder in New York. It's not as forgiving to a film crew. You hold up a bunch of New Yorkers who can't cross the street they're not going to take it well. Southern California? They'll wait. It's cool man. In New York they're like 'Are you kidding me? I gotta get to work.'

I was in a really crummy pop-punk band. I think we did a whole bunch of Blink-182 covers and we were on the fringe of losers and jocks. So we invited all the cool kids to come watch us play in our bass player's brother's bedroom. And it was terrible but everyone thought we were so cool.

I just hope that theaters remain. I think there's something very wonderful about getting into a dark room with a bunch of people. There's something cool about that. Brings us all together in one room where we can experience all those emotions.

Well I had a lot of help from my father with the soldering and so on and he was very good at math and was fascinated with computers and so I was fortunate enough to have a bunch of exposure going all the way back to high school - this was in the 1960s.

I've got a great team of engineers behind this race car. I've got a great bunch of mechanics that make it reliable. This car is developed to go out there and be better than the Reynard and I feel that it is.