Search For bought In Quotes 78

My girlfriend bought me a down jacket she said it fit my personality.

I used to have a silk dressing gown an uncle bought in Japan and when I came downstairs in it my dad used to call me Davinia. There was never embarrassment about that kind of thing. My sister used to dress me up a lot. She thought I was a little doll.

My parents were kind of over protective people. Me and my sister had to play in the backyard all the time. They bought us bikes for Christmas but wouldn't let us ride in the street we had to ride in the backyard. Another Christmas my dad got me a basketball hoop and put it in the middle of the lawn! You can't dribble on grass.

I bought a house for my mom I bought a house for my dad I bought a house for my sister.

I was always a kid trying to make a buck. I borrowed a dollar from my dad went to the penny candy store bought a dollar's worth of candy set up my booth and sold candy for five cents apiece. Ate half my inventory made $2.50 gave my dad back his dollar.

Yeah my dad bought me a guitar when I was like 10 and I didn't really want it then.

My dad was a militant atheist or is a militant atheist. My mum was sort of bought up in a religious family because she was a Protestant from Ireland but wasn't especially religious.

My dad bought me a guitar and people would ask me to play.

What I do now is all my dad's fault because he bought me a guitar as a boy for no apparent reason.

I wanted to take up music so my father bought me a blunt instrument. He told me to knock myself out.