Search For bored In Quotes 61

When I'm bored or tired of being blonde I'll throw on a wig. It's a lot less of a permanent way to change your look and I have about 10 - all different colors shapes bobs long hair short feathered.

I always get bored with my hair. That's why I would always change it throughout my career.

I get bored. We seem to have been having a little bit more time off this winter than last winter. I'm always itching to get back in the car. It's going to get harder so I've got to make sure that I'm doing everything I possibly can do to make sure I can start next season how I ended this season.

I tried for a while to be an agricultural worker and was hopelessly bored. I would stand around in heaps of manure and sing about the beauty of the work I wasn't doing.

I tried for a while to be an agricultural worker and was hopelessly bored. To me it was meaningless. I would stand around in heaps of manure and sings about the beauty of the work I wasn't doing.

It is commonly supposed that the art of pleasing is a wonderful aid in the pursuit of fortune but the art of being bored is infinitely more successful.

See the 'On the Road' that came out in 1957 was censored. A lot of the honesty of it the bitter honesty is in the original scroll version that came out in 2007 on the 50-year anniversary. Back then there was so much post-Second World War fear that was imposed on everybody - 'You must live life this way' - and these guys were bored.

All through life I've harbored anger rather than expressed it at the moment.

It is the unknown that excites the ardor of scholars who in the known alone would shrivel up with boredom.

And I'm not as young as I once was. At my age I don't have time to be bored.