Search For basketball In Quotes 67

I grew up in a small town in Illinois and my dad was a basketball coach. Thanks to him I have excellent fundamentals in both basketball and baseball.

One thing my dad always told me was he would make sure I always had what he didn't have. He couldn't play basketball because he didn't have tennis shoes - so I had five pairs of tennis shoes.

I grew up with baseball I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I as I grew up became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one.

My parents were kind of over protective people. Me and my sister had to play in the backyard all the time. They bought us bikes for Christmas but wouldn't let us ride in the street we had to ride in the backyard. Another Christmas my dad got me a basketball hoop and put it in the middle of the lawn! You can't dribble on grass.

I like low-maintenance girls but at the same time classy. She needs to take care of herself. But also be a girl who isn't afraid to get sweaty and play basketball so it's cool if she's a tomboy.

We can have no progress without change whether it be basketball or anything else.

My sporting hero was Drazen Petrovic the NBA basketball player who was killed in a car accident in 1993. He was a good friend an unbelievable player and I dedicated my Wimbledon win to him.

And I want to do it the right way like everybody else not just a famous figurehead that gets a job because he is a famous basketball player. I want to really learn the business.

If architecture is as is sometimes said music set in concrete then football and basketball may be said to be creativity embodied in team sports.

To see a player dunk in women's college basketball is just amazing. It's great to see that the game has reached that level now.

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In my family in the days prior to television we liked to while away the evenings by making ourselves miserable solely based on our ability to speak the language viciously.