Search For architect In Quotes 280

The rules of navigation never navigated a ship. The rules of architecture never built a house.

The dialogue of architecture has been centered too long around the idea of truth.

I see architecture not as Gropius did as a moral venture as truth but as invention in the same way that poetry or music or painting is invention.

I have no requirements for a style of architecture.

I don't believe in morality in architecture.

Opera next to Gothic architecture is one of the strangest inventions of Western man. It could not have been foreseen by any logical process.

Technological considerations are of great importance to architecture and cities in the informational society.

There is a powerful need for symbolism and that means the architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart. There is a powerful need for symbolism and that means the architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart.

I feel however that we architects have a special duty and mission... (to contribute) to the socio-cultural development of architecture and urban planning.

I like things that are kind of eclectic when one thing doesn't go with another. That's why I love Rome. The town itself is that way. It's where Fascist architecture meets classic Renaissance where the ancient bangs up against the contemporary. It has a touch of everything. That's my style and that's what my work is about.