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Women love working together. That's my experience anyway.

Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion.

Nobody really believes in equality anyway.

My diet is mostly chicken and fish. I make sure I get a lot of vegetables a lot of fruit. I am a big fruit man I am a vegetable man anyway. And I also get a lot of rest. That's the key I may be up early but I'm in bed early too.

I always had to diet. I'm diabetic so it's a lifestyle for me anyway just to stay healthy and not end up in the hospital.

Knowing how to die is knowing how to live. What is death anyway? It's the outcome of life.

I never really got on that well with Yoko anyway. Strangely enough I only started to get to know her after John's death.

We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It's a death trap.

Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway.

Courage can't see around corners but goes around them anyway.

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I'm sure it is I'm not for any kind of war we've been engaged in several wars since the second world war and we lost in Korea we lost in Vietnam they are political wars they have nothing to do with any real threat nor does this one.