Search For affairs In Quotes 59

In religious and in secular affairs the more fervent beliefs attract followers. If you are a moderate in any respect - if you're a moderate on abortion if you're a moderate on gun control or if you're a moderate in your religious faith - it doesn't evolve into a crusade where you're either right or wrong good or bad with us or against us.

In the affairs of this world men are saved not by faith but by the want of it.

People in their handlings of affairs often fail when they are about to succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the beginning there will be no failure.

Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.

The rest of the world cares about how we conduct our affairs because they then take that lead. We're the only leader in the world today. Some are wishing us well others think that we're down and are not going to get back up again but they are all watching with great interest to see how we conduct our business over the next couple of years.

Vulgar and obscene the papers run rumors daily about people in show business tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.

I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about.

The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art.

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger.

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My shows aren't about trying to save some place because I don't feel that's the right venue for it. That's my politics right there: Don't bring politics to my shows.