Search For aught In Quotes 590

It's the kind of clothes that mothers and daughters can wear in terms of concept... It's not about age. It's about taste and it's about lifestyle. I believe women of all ages can wear anything.

I was taught from a young age that many people would treat me as a second-class citizen because I was African-American and because I was female.

Old age is always wakeful as if the longer linked with life the less man has to do with aught that looks like death.

Old age calm expanded broad with the haughty breadth of the universe old age flowing free with the delicious near-by freedom of death.

If you read back in the Bible the letter of the apostle Paul to the church of Thessalonia he said that in the latter days before the end of the age that the Earth would be caught up in what he called the birth pangs of a new order.

Being a father at a later age is different from when I had my other two daughters when I was in my 20s and 30s. If you're in your 60s and you're with the kid every day you're dealing with the mind of a child so it opens up that childishness in you again.

I was taught from a young age that I had to serve so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.

By Time and Age full many things are taught.

Canada has a passive-aggressive culture with a lot of sarcasm and righteousness. That went with my weird messianic complex. The ego is a fascinating monster. I was taught from a young age that I had to serve so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.

The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.

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I feel like my music is just an extension of my acting. I treat the songs like scenes that tell a story... it's very similar. My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members 'cause they're not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do! It's refreshing!!