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I think the American people have become more reliant upon government and less reliant upon themselves and that they now tend to put security ahead of freedom but I think freedom is the most important aspect of our lives.

All the characters in my films are fighting these problems needing freedom trying to find a way to cut themselves loose but failing to rid themselves of conscience a sense of sin the whole bag of tricks.

The greatest blessing of our democracy is freedom. But in the last analysis our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.

Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves.

Human beings want to be free and however long they may agree to stay locked up to stay oppressed there will come a time when they say 'That's it.' Suddenly they find themselves doing something that they never would have thought they would be doing simply because of the human instinct that makes them turn their face towards freedom.

There are lots of people out there who think they know the truth about God and religion but does anybody really know for sure? That's why the founding fathers built freedom of religious belief into the structure of this nation so that everybody could make up their minds for themselves.

No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.

Negation is the mind's first freedom yet a negative habit is fruitful only so long as we exert ourselves to overcome it adapt it to our needs once acquired it can imprison us.

To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.

Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom.