Search For earning In Quotes 951

All the time a person is a child he is both a child and learning to be a parent. After he becomes a parent he becomes predominantly a parent reliving childhood.

Let schoolmasters puzzle their brain With grammar and nonsense and learning Good liquor I stoutly maintain Gives genius a better discerning.

I was not good in school. I could never read very fast or very well. I got tested for learning disabilities for dyslexia. Then I got put on Ritalin and Dexedrine. I took those starting in the eighth grade. As soon as they pumped that drug into me it would focus me right in.

My father had never watched tennis never liked tennis too much. He said 'OK we buy a racket we watch together ' because we didn't know anything. It was a process of learning together that made it more interesting.

I enjoy learning about different periods and people and then taking what's universal about the human condition and seeing where it matches up. No matter where you are certain things unite everybody.

I had learning disabilities and I couldn't express myself in the written word.

Some for renown on scraps of learning dote And think they grow immortal as they quote.

I was studying for the SAT's and learning lines.

It's really difficult for me. Language I am sorry that I haven't. I think I just always expected that you learn a word in place of a word and when I discovered how difficult the grammar was and learning that was very discouraging for me.

I knew nothing about martial arts. The coach told me I was talented with learning martial arts and put me in a school. Three years later I got my first championship in China.