The coolest part about seeing a girl wear something comfortable is the smile that you can just feel coming through from inside her.
A smile costs about $240.
The person that's always talkin' you don't have to worry about that person. The person that while you're in his face he's just lookin' at you with a smile on his face that's the guy you worry about.
I was so embarrassed about mispronouncing words. I just knew how to smile.
I've always spent more time with a smile on my face than not but the thing is I don't write about it.
I do love science fiction but it's not really a genre unto itself it always seems to merge with another genre. With the few movies I've done I've ended up playing with genre in some way or another so any genre that's made to mix with others is like candy to me. It allows you to use big mythic situations to talk about ordinary things.
I'm crazy about Grant: his character his nature his science in fighting and everything else. But I don't like the idea that he never accepted the blame for anything always found someone else to blame for any mistake that was ever made including blaming Prentiss for Shiloh.
We've established a Washington State Academy of Sciences that will enable us to make decisions based on science about what is right for our state meaning the quality of our lives will get better.
My personal feeling about science fiction is that it's always in some way connected to the real world to our everyday world.
If you publish a scientific paper it is very hard to start a nationwide debate about something. If you do this in a movie you can start a debate. We like to create a bridge between those two worlds - film and science.