I also think we need to maintain distinctions - the doctrine of creation is different from a scientific cosmology and we should resist the temptation which sometimes scientists give in to to try to assimilate the concepts of theology to the concepts of science.
I started out writing much more science fictiony stuff and writing about science fiction.
If Christianity is not scientific and Science is not God then there is no invariable law and truth becomes an accident.
The humanities need to be defended today against the encroachments of physical science as they once needed to be against the encroachment of theology.
Vast is the field of Science. The more a man knows the more he will find he has to know.
Inspiration in Science may have to do with ideas but not in Art. In art it is in the senses that are instinctively responsive to the medium of expression.
Science is built up of facts as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.
As soon as questions of will or decision or reason or choice of action arise human science is at a loss.
I warn you against believing that advertising is a science.
Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time.