Marriage is not just spiritual communion it is also remembering to take out the trash.
I think even in a good marriage especially if you stay together long enough there are going to be events that happen.
The possibility of divorce renders both marriage partners stricter in their observance of the duties they owe to each other. Divorces help to improve morals and to increase the population.
I come from divorce. I'm only doing marriage once. It's not a game for me.
The facts are plain: Religious leaders who preside over marriage ceremonies must and will be guided by what they believe. If they do not wish to celebrate marriages for same-sex couples that is their right. The Supreme Court says so. And the Charter says so.
I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional relationships but I believe in law we should protect the traditional definition of marriage.
Love the quest marriage the conquest divorce the inquest.
I firmly believe in marriage. It's a real important decision that takes a lot of dedication and time. If you're thinking about divorce. You shouldn't get married.
Inspirations never go in for long engagements they demand immediate marriage to action.
But marriage goes in waves. You've got to be patient. People bail and give up on their marriages way too early. They just don't put the work and the effort into it. You've got to suck up your ego a lot of times because that can be a big downfall.