Search For everyone In Quotes 626

I love my wife and I know she loves me. We're best friends. We're just lucky to have found each other. It takes a lot of work but I just feel very blessed that I found the right person. It's a very fortunate situation and not everyone has that.

I have made the choices that work best for me. I know I cannot please everyone and that's fine.

Everyone is your best friend when you are successful. Make sure that the people that you surround yourself with are also the people that you are not afraid of failing with.

I love that for Barack there is no such thing as 'us' and 'them' - he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat a Republican or none of the above... he knows that we all love our country... and he's always ready to listen to good ideas... he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.

Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.

I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone best both for the body and the mind.

Everyone can identify with a fragrant garden with beauty of sunset with the quiet of nature with a warm and cozy cottage.

Everyone has a different beauty and different qualities and I think that women need to learn to love their qualities and be comfortable in the fact that everyone is different.

The beauty comes with the balance. Everyone should find his own balance in his personal as well as his professional life. Once you do so you will feel and look beautiful.

I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same it would be boring.