Search For sting In Quotes 669

I think feminism's a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There's nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules so everybody's confused. And dating becomes a sloppy uncomfortable unpleasant thing.

Dating is different when you get older. You're not as trusting or as eager to get back out there and expose yourself to someone.

I'm so an all-or-nothing person in dating always. I'm big on not wasting time. And so yeah if something's not working it's time to not hold people back.

My dad was dean of fine arts at the university. I was casting bronzes in the school foundry. I was using the university as a playground.

My mother and dad were big animal lovers too. I just don't know how I would have lived without animals around me. I'm fascinated by them - both domestic pets and the wild community. They just are the most interesting things in the world to me and it's made such a difference in my lifetime.

My dad's whole family is in Madras and I was born in America so we didn't have that big Indian community. I don't really have anything interesting to say about it. When I talk about it people are like 'meh let's talk about something else.'

Today because of President Obama's courage kids can stay on their parent's plan until they are 26. Insurers cannot kick you off your policy because you have hit your limit. They will not be able to deny you because you have a pre-existing condition.

To persevere trusting in what hopes he has is courage in a man.

Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.

I hated the idea of a high school sweetheart. Growing up oh my God it just made me sick. I wanted to have a range of cool boyfriends. I wanted to travel around and date these interesting men. Then it just happened. You fall in love.