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The most that one of Jewish faith can do - and some have gladly done it - is to say that Jesus was the greatest in the long succession of Jewish prophets. None can acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah without becoming a Christian.

My faith foundation works to bring about a greater respect and understanding between different faiths. We basically work with six popular religions in the world which are the three Abrahamic religions Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism.

The greatest act of faith is when a man understands he is not God.

I think people who are creative are the luckiest people on earth. I know that there are no shortcuts but you must keep your faith in something Greater than You and keep doing what you love. Do what you love and you will find the way to get it out to the world.

To be an atheist requires an indefinitely greater measure of faith than to recieve all the great truths which atheism would deny.

Our faith is faith in someone else's faith and in the greatest matters this is most the case.

Ask those who love Him with a sincere love and they will tell you that they find no greater or prompter relief amid the troubles of their life than in loving conversation with their Divine Friend.

I think the greatest taboos in America are faith and failure.

The greatest failure is that although we have created institutions we have not created a civil society.

The failure of Christianity in the areas west from Sicily was even greater and was increased by the spread of Arab outlooks and influence to that area and especially to Spain.

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We had two rules growing up in my house: If you're going to take a shower do it with whomever you're dating so you don't waste water and if you buy one for yourself buy six because everybody's going to want one.