Search For intel In Quotes 852

Intelligence and courtesy not always are combined Often in a wooden house a golden room we find.

Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.

In these troubled uncertain times we don't need more command and control we need better means to engage everyone's intelligence in solving challenges and crises as they arise.

The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.

No sooner does man discover intelligence than he tries to involve it in his own stupidity.

For passion be it observed brings insight with it it can give a sort of intelligence to simpletons fools and idiots especially during youth.

There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence.

People are what you make them. A scornful look turns into a complete fool a man of average intelligence. A contemptuous indifference turns into an enemy a woman who well treated might have been an angel.

Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.

Three-quarters of the sicknesses of intelligent people come from their intelligence. They need at least a doctor who can understand this sickness.