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Well the fact is that one imagination is critically important and if you have had your imagination stimulated by what is basically a variety of subjects you are much more amenable to accepting to understanding and interacting with the realities of the world.

Well I think that as a country we've drifted away from appreciating the importance of imagination.

On the one hand the guns were there to help capture the imagination of the people. But more important since we knew that you couldn't observe the police without guns we took our guns with us to let the police know that we have an equalizer.

All my life I've had the privilege to make my living with my imagination and the most important thing has been to see my creative life grow. I was educated to do that and have lived accordingly.

The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is in the end the exact measure of his importance and dignity.

I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

People ask me what the most important thing to take on the race is and I always say it's a sense of humor. If you've got nothing but a sense of humor you will survive.

I think humor is important for all of us and a great comedian is a great treasure.

Humor is a very important thing. It is a natural predilection. It is an emotional release.