Search For dream In Quotes 1133

Men are the dreams of a shadow.

It was a lovely opportunity for the first time in my whole career to stand up and thank people who are really responsible for me getting to realize my dreams.

My wife is beginning to instruct me on means to retrieve dreams and bit by bit it does seem to be working.

I couldn't help but to think back to my classmates at Thomas Jefferson High School in San Antonio. They had the same talent the same brains the same dreams as the folks we sat with at Stanford and Harvard. I realized the difference wasn't one of intelligence or drive. The difference was opportunity.

It's not only imagination it's the distortion of the vision. You suddenly think This person is idealistic this person is strong this person has dreams when you know better most of the time. You put what you want to see on people.

Vision gets the dreams started. Dreaming employs your God-given imagination to reinforce the vision. Both are part of something I believe is absolutely necessary to building the life of a champion a winner a person of high character who is consistently at the top of whatever game he or she is in.

My work is to reach people with ideas hopes dreams encouragement insight and revelation. That's what an actor wants to do.

When I began to choreograph and find my way pulling other artists' dreams out and changing music in a visual way there was still a part of me that had something more to say. There was still a desire to rock a stage and ultimately perform the eight count of my dream but there was a lot of insecurity there.

People's real hopes and dreams can be distorted and misdirected and packaged until you're not sure what you really want or what you even really need.

Sports nurtures dreams of achieving self confidence and masculine striving for the skinny kid watching a boxer dance around the ring with sublime ease.