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You know that I am living proof that the American Dream is real. Growing up our congressman cut through government bureaucratic red tape to help my mom buy our first house. That's the kind of congressman I'll be.

The first few weeks of being a mom were profound not just emotionally but also physically. All the changes you instinctually go through are miraculous.

Death can't be so bad if mom went through it. It makes it easier for the child to follow.

When you're adopted no matter what you've got issues with unconditional love. And you find out you're the product of the worst situation for a young girl to be in and start her life and I'm so grateful that my birth mom made the decision she made. She came from a rough situation.

I was brought up as an only child and we were very close. But when I was 14 we got evicted. We came home to a padlock and I looked up at my mom and she was crying and there was nothing to do.

I look at my father. He is one of my heroes. He is such an incredible classy man. He was such a great father and such a great husband in so many ways and we lived through some pretty tough times losing my mom. When I see all that he did I think 'Wow that's a really wonderful man.'

My mom is not trying to live vicariously through me.

Mom never quit on me. My only regret is that she didn't live long enough to share some of the money and comforts my work in show business has brought me.

My mom died when I was 16. I had a rough childhood you know what I mean but it made me strong.

My friends and I would get up early and take our horses through the national forest. My mom was very free. It was always 'Out of the house!' There was no watching television on weekends.

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What is faith? If you believe something because you have evidence for it or rational argument that is not faith. So faith seems to be believing something despite the absence of evidence or rational argument for it.