Search For tryin In Quotes 628

I was raised to believe in myself. I know I'm cool. I'm not trying to brag or say I'm the man or anything like that. I don't lie or cheat and I'm not mean to anybody. I treat people with respect.

I remember in high school trying to get home from water-polo practice in time so I could see Happy Days on television when it first came on because I was so blown away by it. It was just such a cool thing.

My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members 'cause they're not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do!

I feel like my music is just an extension of my acting. I treat the songs like scenes that tell a story... it's very similar. My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members 'cause they're not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do! It's refreshing!!

I'd love to pop back into 'Being Human' as Adam. I love the character so much. I've never really played a character like that. I'm always playing the geek so to play a kid who is very energetic when he wants to be and who is always trying to get the girls was really cool.

Again like I said we're not trying to censor anyone. If you think drugs are cool fine. Make that movie. We are not going to stop you or try to stop you but we would encourage other people to be a bit more responsible about their portrayal of drug usage.

I have this desire to just while away weeks months and years. It took me two years to make this record but that was with me trying to condense my process and not disappear down the rabbit hole with all the cool things I've collected. I could take 10 years and not explore everything I want to with these instruments.

A guy's biggest style mistake is definitely trying to look too cool. As long as you've got a good pair of jeans a good pair of boots and a few good shirts you're fine.

I already have legitimacy as a filmmaker and now I'm trying to do stuff that's just fun. Until I find a cool tangible subject again that I want to tackle.

I hear good things about Xbox Live from some of my younger teammates. I think it would be fun to be able to challenge fans all over the world. It would be cool to be able to play some of my friends back home in the States. I'm looking forward to trying it.