Search For sports In Quotes 599

I've realized the extraordinary power of sports to heal unite and inspire. I believe the Olympics will serve as the ultimate platform to provide positive changes and I hope to inspire all of Japan through my strong showing there.

Since turning professional at 18 I have travelled the world playing the game that I love and consider myself a global player. As the World No.1 right now I wish to be a positive role model and a sportsperson that people respect and enjoy watching.

I've been looking at companies that are on a positive path vs. a negative path and I've come to use the language of sports winning streaks and losing streaks.

I am a sportsman and not a politician. I am a sportsman and will always remain one. I am not going to enter politics giving up cricket which is my life. I will continue to play cricket.

You cannot mix sports with politics.

My biggest pet peeve are just girls who go to sports bars who have no intention on caring what teams are playing like they're looking for just a night out. That drives me more crazy than anything else. Like don't pretend to be a sports fan.

Through the years I have received my share of recognition for efforts in the fields of sports the arts the struggle for full citizenship for the Negro people labor's rights and the fight for peace.

I was a sports fan but I also went to peace marches.

Unfortunately the world is what it is now. People don't get along for whatever reason. As professional athletes in a way we're almost ambassadors for peace because sports brings everyone together.

The addiction to sports therefore in a peculiar degree marks an arrested development in man's moral nature.