Search For depend In Quotes 515

I have grown up alone. I've taken care of myself. I worked earned money and was independent at 18.

In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments the governments alone independent of the interests of the people to whom war is always pernicious even when successful.

No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation.

Communication is a continual balancing act juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence. To survive in the world we have to act in concert with others but to survive as ourselves rather than simply as cogs in a wheel we have to act alone.

Even though I love solar and love wind like most people do I like the renewable sources they alone are not going to get America energy independent.

Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone but for the development of his self.

The reason can only be this: heroic poetry depends on an heroic age and an age is heroic because of what it is not because of what it does.

Part of the reason I sort of shot out like a cannon out of Michigan and left home at such an early age is because I had to feel independent.

The culture of independent film criticism has totally gone down the drain and this seems to come with the territory of the consumer age that we are now living in.

I prefer younger men. In some ways they are much more open to a woman being stronger and independent then some of the men my age.