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Knowing who the actors were as you were designing them helped with Catherine's beauty and Renee's frailty they directed me visually just by who they were.

The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.

I'm only wanted by directors for the image I give off and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor and not a beauty pageant winner.

Avon invented the concept of direct marketing and direct selling beauty. And that's still very valid to us. We'll have a firm that will be around for another 114 years as strongly as it was the first 114.

A lot of directors idealize their leading ladies or turn them into these objects of sexuality and beauty.

Thankfully beauty is easier to remove than apply and a swipe of demaquillage in the right direction and you are you once again.

What is man's ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love truth virtue and beauty.

There is nothing that makes its way more directly into the soul than beauty.

Global political conditions make a direct American intervention difficult but President Reagan's messianic and visceral attitude toward the Nicaraguan revolution could mean it will happen as an act of desperation.

I mean the shoe - there is a music to it there is attitude there is sound it's a movement. Clothes - it's a different story. There are a million things I'd rather do before designing clothes: directing landscaping.