Search For willingness In Quotes 46

I heard someone from the music business saying they are no longer looking for talent they want people with a certain look and a willingness to cooperate.

Willingness to change is a strength even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while.

Even if people do wrong we're social animals so what can we do about stopping them doing the same things in future? Saying people are 'bad' or 'evil' is just an unwillingness to engage an unwillingness to try to empathise. That sanctimonious attitude doesn't help anyone.

I've worked on films where the budgets are almost limitless and you're in trailers that are bigger than a hotel room. You're taken care of and the food is amazing the quality of the job is amazing and then you work on smaller things but it never dictates my happiness or my willingness to go to work.

Probably nothing serious or worthwhile can be accomplished without one's willingness to be alone for sustained periods of time which is not to say that one must live alone obsessively.

I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught all the world would be wise since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning understanding patience love openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable.