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My dad died when I was three so my mom had to raise four kids on her own and I think there's a part of me that pulls upon having watched my mom do that our whole lives. She had to make it work.

I watched Italia '90 with my Mum and Dad and my brother you know leaping around the house when the penalties were on... It would be great to be part of that to have that kind of impact.

I think my printing to this day looks like the printing right out of a comic book. Actually I always wanted to be in a comic book. I watched cartoons when I was a kid too and both comics and cartoons lit fire in my imagination. This realm holds a lot of interest for me a lot of passion for me. So to be comic-ized yeah that's cool.

We all grew up our grandmothers and mothers had about three channels to watch so we watched those soaps and now a generation has grown up with the Internet and computers and video games.

When he was born I looked at my little boy and felt an unconditional love I never knew was inside me. As he grew and I watched him stagger about squeak his first words and turn into a beautiful little boy that feeling did not change.

I'm ashamed to say this but I watched every episode of 'Starsky and Hutch' as a kid. I loved that show but now I think it's stupid - they'd have a car chase for no reason then Paul Michael Glaser would shoot the car and it would blow up.

I have watched people who have nothing to do with the film business but who have become part of the circle for a short period of time. They can be truly devastated when the film wraps and people leave.

My mother and stepfather were married 43 years so I have watched a long marriage. I feel like I had a very good role model for that. And you know it's just a number.

'Breaking Bad' is the best the greatest the most amazing thing I have ever watched on television.

What would be a show that I would rescue? If I could bring anything back it would be 'The Carol Burnett Show'. Tim Conway is just... I just watched him so many times do stuff over and over. He's just so amazing.