Search For voter In Quotes 49

I'm a latecomer to the environmental issue which for years seemed to me like an excuse for more government regulation. But I can see that in rich societies voters are paying less attention to economic issues and more to issues of the spirit including the environment.

You may be able to fool the voters but not the atmosphere.

Freedom Summer the massive voter education project in Mississippi was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.

If you set as your goal to roll back the size of government you have an obligation to answer the tough questions and show real courage not just appeal to ideology. Treat the voters like adults.

Anybody who thinks that getting a communication from a voter in your district is spam - that guy is pork. Roast pork unless he changes his point of view.

Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters - having held out so long against the incumbent - are by nature looking for change.

I don't think we should be about the business of denying voters in Michigan and Florida the right to be heard.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster.

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I still believe that capitalism is too harsh and I believe that even within that there is a lot of satisfaction and beauty if you happen to be one of the lucky ones although that doesn't eradicate the reality of the suffering. It's all true at once kind of humming and sublime.