Search For violence In Quotes 143

No Arab ruler will consider the peace process seriously so long as he is able to toy with the idea of achieving more by the way of violence.

Well I think by any expectation South Africa has come a tremendously long way. We've seen a society that many people thought couldn't withstand a peaceful transition to democracy without a great deal of violence in fact make that transition and do it in relative peace and security.

The myth of redemptive violence - Caesar peace and victory - is in people's bones so deeply we aren't even aware of it. You crush the opposition that's how we bring peace.

Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict - alternatives to passive or aggressive responses alternatives to violence.

Take away the violence and who will hear the men of peace?

The aggressive unprovoked acts of violence against Israel by Hezbollah and Hamas are revealing. It is clear they don't want peace but rather seek the ultimate destruction of Israel.

Instead of a man of peace and love I have become a man of violence and revenge.

Mr. President prime ministers let us have ambitions: ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation to the day when two states Palestine and Israel can live together side by side in peace and security.

Revenge only engenders violence not clarity and true peace. I think liberation must come from within.

We will stand up for our friends in the world. And one of the most important friends is the State of Israel. My administration will be steadfast in support Israel against terrorism and violence and in seeking the peace for which all Israelis pray.