Search For types In Quotes 56

That's what noir feels like to me. It feels like some kind of recurring dream with very strong archetypes operating. You know the guilty girl being pursued falling all kinds of stuff that we see in our dreams all the time.

I was not born in a home where there were stereotypes. So that was very useful because it gave me the sense of possibilities of flying if I may say of making my hopes and dreams a reality.

I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I'm attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He's usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut nice guys. So it's strange.

There are two types of courage involved with what I did. When it comes to picking up a rifle millions of people are capable of doing that as we see in Iraq or Vietnam. But when it comes to risking their careers or risking being invited to lunch by the establishment it turns out that's remarkably rare.

Being on Oprah? You realize that there are a couple of types of audience members. There are like the cult people in the audience who are just crying before she gets on. And then there are the people who are playing it cool. I definitely was somewhere in the middle.

Man I love the 'Lord of the Rings' movies. Some people would say I'm weird for liking those types of movies but they are so cool.

It's quite nice to see that I didn't have to change who I was to reach two very different types of people.

Fit no stereotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team's mission.

There's one more thing I want to say. It's a touchy subject. Black beauty. Black sensuality. We live in a culture where the beauty of black people isn't always as celebrated as other types. I'd like to help change that if I can!

Poetry is something to make us wiser and better by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth which God has set in all men's souls.