Search For turns In Quotes 120

Fires can't be made with dead embers nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks.

What we call Man's power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.

Man is an idea and a precious small idea once he turns his back on love.

Love is like a faucet it turns off and on.

Sometimes you trust someone who turns out not to be honest. There are a lot of things that happen in life that don't turn out the way you're given the impression that they will. And I think that's all kind of a con. But I think we've probably all been hurt.

Instead California is one of only 10 states that provides in-state college and university tuition to illegal immigrants. That's grossly unfair to a legal high school student who moves out of California for a year then returns to attend college.

That folk music led to learning to play and making things up led to what turns out to be the most lucrative part of the music business - writing because you get paid every time that song gets played.

Justice turns the scale bringing to some learning through suffering.

One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers or spectators are active not passive observers.

Market leadership can translate directly to higher revenue higher profitability greater capital velocity and correspondingly stronger returns on invested capital.

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Yet it ought to be obvious that good music generally occupies a higher plane that mere politics. Great writers can express moods through melody and capture experiences we share most powerfully - love lust longing joy rage fear triumph yearning and confusion.