As you may recall Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953 thanks largely to the Korean War. Today however he is thought to have been a solidly good president a 'Near Great' even in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then.
The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game. It's part of our culture like turkey at Thanksgiving and lights at Christmas and like those holidays beyond their meaning a factor in our economy.
Now I can do no more. We must trust to the Great Disposer of all events and the justice of our cause. I thank God for this opportunity of doing my duty.
I have gotten to travel the world and experience all these incredible things thanks to my career.
All of us who are members of the Germanic peoples can be happy and thankful that once in thousands of years fate has given us from among the Germanic peoples such a genius a leader our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and you should be happy to be allowed to work with us.
The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank.
This little kid pointed at me and said 'You look disgusting!' That was the first time I thought maybe I did. I decided I'd better start eating. I'm just thankful that I made it through with relatively few scars.
I've done it all. I'm thankful and proud of what I've accomplished in my life. I hope to keep doing it.
I went from not knowing anything to becoming really curious and wanting to know and respecting people in the industry realizing how hard they work. I will always be thankful for 'Top Model' for that.
We have to be thankful considering our number as a family we enjoy very good health generally but you may be sure me and my partner have quite enough to exercise our minds and occupy our attention.