Search For terrorists In Quotes 48

The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear - and they should be afraid because freedom is on the march.

What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority ' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?

Where terrorists offer injustice disorder and destruction the United States and its allies stand for freedom fairness equality hope and opportunity.

Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs criminals and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy adding costs to our judicial healthcare and education systems.

Just two weeks ago millions of Iraqis defied the threats of terrorists and went to the polls to determine their own future. I congratulate the Iraqi people for the courage they've shown in making these elections so successful.

I told you I'm not going to criticize my successor. I'll just tell you that there are people at Gitmo that will kill American people at a drop of a hat and I don't believe that persuasion isn't going to work. Therapy isn't going to cause terrorists to change their mind.

I think Islam has been hijacked by the idea that all Muslims are terrorists that Islam is about hate about war about jihad - I think that hijacks the spirituality and beauty that exists within Islam. I believe in allowing Islam to be seen in context and in its entirety and being judged on what it really is not what you think it is.

Iran has long sponsored terrorists who carry out homicide bombings in Israeli cities. However it is a mistake to believe the danger Iran poses is directed at Israel alone.