Search For tense In Quotes 87

The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge place I've always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It's a relationship that has evolved over time given me the greatest respect and love for the game.

Intense love does not measure it just gives.

There is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality that it makes things happen.

I love my family and I had a very wonderful magical childhood. But New Jersey was actually a very cold place. There was such an intense concentration of wealth and such a low concentration of any actual human happiness.

Life in general has never been even close to fair so the pretense that the government can make it fair is a valuable and inexhaustible asset to politicians who want to expand government.

Uncontrolled the hunger and thirst after God may become an obstacle cutting off the soul from what it desires. If a man would travel far along the mystic road he must learn to desire God intensely but in stillness passively and yet with all his heart and mind and strength.

People's - most people's job is talking about the future or like money not even in the present tense. It's not even paper.

Existence is no more than the precarious attainment of relevance in an intensely mobile flux of past present and future.

The question of armaments whether on land or sea is the most immediately and intensely practical question connected with the future fortunes of nations and of mankind.

In a funny way poems are suited to modern life. They're short they're intense. Nobody has time to read a 700-page book. People read magazines and a poem takes less time than an article.

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If a movie is really working you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying in one way or another with the people on the screen.